Principal Dancer at
the Scottish Ballet.
Eloquent spokesperson
for her profession.
Unending generosity helping others to improve their lives.
Constance Devernay-Laurence
Principal Dancer at the Scottish Ballet.
Eloquent spokesperson for her profession.
Unending generosity helping others to improve their lives.
Constance Devernay-Laurence in her own words…
I was convinced that being promoted to principal dancer was about as far as one could go in dance. So it had been my main goal, my dream. But once it happened, I realized that it was actually a new beginning, a door opening to so much more that I could explore. There is always more.
My best roles, for example Abagail in “The Crucible”, taught me to forget about perfect technique and instead to let my mind travel into the character’s emotion. The steps come out so much more easily when you access something so much deeper. Emotions make the movement,
In dance, injuries are such a big challenge. They can lead to a massive loss of identity; mine left me distraught. But they taught me a valuable lesson: to take the time to heal. Your body is your main instrument. Take Your Time!
Constance Devernay-Laurence in NPAFE’s words…

Photo credit: Mihaela Bodlovic
…Call her by her given name Constance or “Coco” as her friends and admirers do, this much and more is true about this remarkable performing artist: while evidence abounds of her stellar professional achievements and international acclaim as Principal Dancer in the UK’s Scottish Ballet, Constance Devernay-Laurence’s unending commitment to empower others to discover and treasure their inner selves places this star of ballet-and-more in a league of her own.
…As you will see below, there is extraordinary passion and beauty in Devernay-Laurence’s every movement whether on stage or screen. To us and so many others however, it is the beauty of her mind coupled with her tenacity within and without the world of dance that signals: “This is a very special person!”

Photo credit: Mihaela Bodlovic
…Indeed she is special. There’s no question that Devernay-Laurence is both a devotee and a master of ballet and modern dance. The briefest of glances at her website tells you a whole lot more: here is a creative being who purposely made the time over six years (including the pandemic) to earn her degree in business, sports fitness and yoga education, to inspire children by sharing her knowledge of dance with them, to help her husband Jamiel and so many others to advance their own dance and filmmaking careers, and to do it all with a captivating smile unlike any other.

© Constance Devernay-Laurance
…There is more. Yoga is intrinsic to Devernay-Laurence’s very being, more so than just merely the practice of the art. In fact, she has devoted years to the study of yoga, its origins, its history, its complexities, certainly to incorporate yoga into her own life but, more importantly, to innovate one-of-a-kind best practices for teaching others the theory and practical elements of this holistic form of exercise. Her website tells it all.

photo credit: Scottish Ballet / Andy Ross
…And still more. A web search confirms that Devernay-Laurence is as much respected for how she expresses her thoughts in words as well as in dance movement. She is an eloquent spokesperson both for her profession and for the value – to herself and to others – of people taking the time and making the effort to extend their knowledge way beyond the universe of their chosen career, whether that be dance or anything else.

photo credit: Scottish Ballet
…Interwoven with all this is Devernay-Laurence’s determination to do all that she can as mentor to children – and to bring along as many others as she can – for building a more equitable community in her home city of Glasgow, in Scotland and the UK…everywhere. It is as if her bywords were respecting ethnicity, diversity, identity and acceptance. Which we believe they are.
...In a recent podcast, Devernay-Laurence was direct in stating that one’s very best evolution and progress can be achieved by taking on the toughest challenges, aware that we’ll fail at some but succeed at others. Both outcomes, she believes, lead to personal and professional fulfillment.
…We couldn’t agree more. Our bet is that when you take the time to watch these short videos and enter the remarkable world of Constance Devernay-Laurence, you’ll agree, too.
Constance Devernay-Laurence website, on Instagram and on Facebook
Constance Devernay-Laurence in her own words…
I was convinced that being promoted to principal dancer was about as far as one could go in dance. So it had been my main goal, my dream. But once it happened, I realized that it was actually a new beginning, a door opening to so much more that I could explore. There is always more.
My best roles, for example Abagail in “The Crucible”, taught me to forget about perfect technique and instead to let my mind travel into the character’s emotion. The steps come out so much more easily when you access something so much deeper. Emotions make the movement.
In dance, injuries are such a big challenge. They can lead to a massive loss of identity; mine left me distraught. But they taught me a valuable lesson: to take the time to heal. Your body is your main instrument. Take Your Time!
Constance Devernay-Laurence in NPAFE’s words…

photo credit: Mihaela Bodlovic
…Call her by her given name Constance or “Coco” as her friends and admirers do, this much and more is true about this remarkable performing artist: while evidence abounds of her stellar professional achievements and international acclaim as Principal Dancer in the UK’s Scottish Ballet, Constance Devernay-Laurence’s unending commitment to empower others to discover and treasure their inner selves places this star of ballet-and-more in a league of her own.
…As you will see below, there is extraordinary passion and beauty in Devernay-Laurence’s every movement whether on stage or screen. To us and so many others however, it is the beauty of her mind coupled with her tenacity within and without the world of dance that signals: “This is a very special person!”

Photo credit: Mihaela Bodlovic
…Indeed she is special. There’s no question that Devernay-Laurence is both a devotee and a master of ballet and modern dance. The briefest of glances at her website tells you a whole lot more: here is a creative being who purposely made the time over six years (including the pandemic) to earn her degree in business, sports fitness and yoga education, to inspire children by sharing her knowledge of dance with them, to help her husband Jamiel and so many others to advance their own dance and filmmaking careers, and to do it all with a captivating smile unlike any other.

©Constance Devernay-Laurence
…There is more. Yoga is intrinsic to Devernay-Laurence’s very being, more so than just merely the practice of the art. In fact, she has devoted years to the study of yoga, its origins, its history, its complexities, certainly to incorporate yoga into her own life but, more importantly, to innovate one-of-a-kind best practices for teaching others the theory and practical elements of this holistic form of exercise. Her website tells it all.

photo credit: Scottish Ballet / Andy Ross
…And still more. A web search confirms that Devernay-Laurence is as much respected for how she expresses her thoughts in words as well as in dance movement. She is an eloquent spokesperson both for her profession and for the value – to herself and to others – of people taking the time and making the effort to extend their knowledge way beyond the universe of their chosen career, whether that be dance or anything else.
…Interwoven with all this is Devernay-Laurence’s determination to do all that she can as mentor to children – and to bring along as many others as she can – for building a more equitable community in her home city of Glasgow, in Scotland and the UK…everywhere. It is as if her bywords were respecting ethnicity, diversity, identity and acceptance. Which we believe they are.
…In a recent podcast, Devernay-Laurence was direct in stating that one’s very best evolution and progress can be achieved by taking on the toughest challenges, aware that we’ll fail at some but succeed at others. Both outcomes, she believes, lead to personal and professional fulfillment.
…We couldn’t agree more. Our bet is that when you take the time to watch these short videos and enter the remarkable world of Constance Devernay-Laurence, you’ll agree, too.
Constance Devernay-Laurence website, on Instagram and on Facebook
Four short videos…
Turn your mobile device sideways to watch the videos in total full screen!